The Secret Place: WELCOME!

Caden RedpearlThe Secret Place

Hello, Digital Cathedral Family!

We’re excited to share with you our latest update. As many of you know, Don Keathley has been sharing in-depth messages on Wednesday nights, delving deeper and more thoroughly than on Sundays. However, we’ve noticed that technology is shifting rapidly, and Facebook’s policies have caused Don’s messages to be deleted after 30 days, leaving you with no way of catching up on what you’ve missed.

That’s why we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new blog, where Don’s messages cannot be deleted by Facebook! With this less centralized platform, we are committed to ensuring that Don’s teachings are available to you for as long as you need them.

The Secret Place will still be live every Wednesday night at 6pm CST, but now, starting from February 8th, you can access Don Keathley’s powerful messages anytime, anywhere. We’re excited to share this unlisted playlist with you, where you can watch, learn and grow at your own pace.

Thank you for being part of our community, and for your continued support of this life-giving message. We look forward to sharing more exciting updates with you in the future.

Or sit back, relax, and start from the beginning here:

Click here to get back to the Don Keathley Ministries Facebook group

Or click here to make a contribution to our efforts in expanding this message today